Mohawk Area School District holds in high regard the safety and health of its employees. We believe that incidents which injure people and damage equipment cause needless personal suffering, inconvenience, and expense. We believe that taking common sense precautions can prevent practically all incidents. To this end, every reasonable effort will be made in the interest of safe working conditions, safe premises, and the prevention of accidental injuries and illnesses. Mohawk Area School District will not discharge, threaten with discharge, demote, suspend, or discriminate against any employee for making statements, complaints, or recommendations relating to employee safety and health, for serving as a safety committee member, or for participating in a workplace safety inspection.


Employer Representatives

Dr. Houk, Superintendent

Kristy McNeish, HR Coordinator

George Sperdute, Elementary Principal

Rick Dudzenski, Director of Operations

Stefanie Capalbo, Transportation Coordinator

Joseph Caiazza, Chief of Police

Employee Representatives

Anissa Fracul, Teacher

Janet Beatty, Secretary

Timothy (TR) Widdowfield, Custodian

Vince Cenname, Maintenance

Kurt Ordak,  Bus Garage

Tina Pezzone, Food Service

All meetings are open to staff. If you would like to attend, feel free to contact a committee member for the next meeting date/time.

Please report any potential/perceived hazard on the Mohawk Area School District property. All potential/perceived hazards will be investigated by the Mohawk Workplace Safety Committee.  to report a hazard, You can complete the form below or contact any committee member.

Hazard Report Form 

All reports found to be legitimate will be sent to Administration with committee recommendation's for corrective action. Identifying yourself is optional but would be helpful for follow up. 

In no way will you be reprimanded or discriminated against for submitting your safety concern. 

Workplace Safety Committee Members 2023-2024

What is a Workplace Safety Committee?

A Workplace Safety Committee is an important way to improve conditions on the job. The committee provides a forum for employees and management to work together to solve health and safety problems. An effective committee can help prevent injury and illness on the job; increase awareness of health and safety issues among workers, supervisors, and managers; and develop strategies to make the work environment safe and healthy. Effective safety committees are diverse and should include employees from all areas of the district. 

Role of Workplace Safety Committee Member


Safety committee members are also on-the-job safety advocates. Because of their training, they are additional eyes and ears in their departments and can help identify potential problems and bring them to the attention of the safety manager for correction before incidents occur.

Workplace Safety Committee Requirements

Minutes from Mohawk Area School District's Workplace Safety Committee Meetings

Safety Committee Minutes